Class Details and Information
February 5, 2024 - March 4, 2024
Educator: Stephanie Hall
Volunteer needed to help students learn all about the way finances work as a part of a family! One hour a week is all that's needed to help make an impact on the lives of students in Hampton Roads. Sign up now! Mondays, 10:00 - 10:50. 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 3/4. Volunteer for any number of days!
Fairfield Elementary School
5428 Providence Rd
, 23464-4125
Featured Curriculum
JA Our FamiliesJA Our Families® explains how family members' jobs and businesses contribute to the well-being of the family and of the community. The learning experience introduces the concept of needs and wants and explores the ways families plan for and acquire goods and services. Students analyze their own skills to determine ways they can support their families. (Grade 1) The learning experience includes five 30-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.